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Here at Weight Zen, Dr. Rosen works with hundreds of patients looking to get their lives back. Are you exhausted by fad diets and exercise routines that simply don’t work? Dr. Rosen helps individuals who suffer from obesity and similar issues through bariatric surgery in New York. We offer such bariatric surgery options as Gastric Bypass, Gastric Sleeve, the Lap-Band, Duodenal Switch, and the Orbera Gastric Balloon.

Today, we’re going to take a specific look at the difference between the Gastric Sleeve and Duodenal Switch surgical procedures for weight loss.

What Is The Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Simply put, Gastric Sleeve surgery is a type of bariatric surgery intended to help those with their weight loss efforts. During the procedure, the size of the stomach is dramatically reduced, meaning that the patient becomes full sooner when eating and thus eats fewer calories overall.

What Is The Duodenal Switch Surgery?

The Duodenal Switch surgery, also known as a biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD-DS), reduces the size of your stomach by up to 70 percent. Additionally, this weight loss surgery reroutes part of your small intestine to create two different pathways from your stomach: one brings in food from your stomach to a common channel of your small intestine, and the other helps carry bile to the same common channel from your liver. This helps to prevent your body from absorbing calories from the food you eat (part of the digestive process).

Two Different Mechanisms For Weight Loss

As you may have noticed, these weight loss surgeries offer two different types of weight loss mechanisms: malabsorptive and restrictive.

Malabsorptive bariatric surgery limits the amount of calories your body absorbs during the digestive process, whereas restrictive bariatric surgery limits the amount of calories you can consume while reducing the sensation of hunger.

Gastric Sleeve surgery is a clear, restrictive weight loss procedure, while the Duodenal Switch combines restrictive and malabsorptive mechanisms within the surgery.

Advantages Of The Gastric Sleeve Surgery

This is a far less complicated surgery compared to the Duodenal Switch weight loss surgery as it only requires a change in the overall size of your stomach rather than a total rerouting part of your small intestine. Not only does the Gastric Sleeve surgery help with weight loss efforts, but it is also low-risk with regard to post-surgical complications.

Advantages Of The Duodenal Switch

The Duodenal Switch is much more complicated than the Gastric Sleeve surgery and has increased risks. However, the Duodenal Switch has been proven to be successful at helping patients lose more excess body mass and weight. This is due to the fact that this procedure incorporates both malabsorptive and restrictive weight loss.

The Duodenal Switch Can Be Used After A Gastric Sleeve

If you aren’t seeing the results you and your doctor want from the Gastric Sleeve surgery, the sleeve is able to be transformed into a duodenal switch to help with weight loss efforts.

Contact Weight Zen Today To Discuss Bariatric Surgery Options

It’s okay if you’re not sure which bariatric surgery is right for you. Contact Weight Zen today to schedule a consultation with us. We will be able to assess your situation and make recommendations based on our years of experience and expertise.


When you visit Dr. Rosen at Weight Zen, you can count on getting premium, safe and caring care. We offer a variety of bariatric surgery procedures, including the Gastric Sleeve surgery, in New York. Our bariatric procedures are aimed at providing a way for individuals to beat obesity and become healthier. While bariatric surgery is a great treatment for obesity, many people don’t know that it’s also really helpful in combatting other health issues, specifically diabetes, high blood pressure and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

What Is PCOS?

PCOS is a condition that affects women of reproductive age when their hormones are imbalanced. In most cases, women experience small cysts on their ovaries. Approximately 10 percent of women experience PCOS. Not only can PCOS affect fertility, wellness, and overall appearance if left untreated, but it can also result in diabetes and other co-morbidities. Obesity is a potential risk factor for PCOS.

Signs Of PCOS

Common signs include:

  • Irregular or infrequent periods
  • High levels of androgen (male hormone)
  • Enlarged ovaries

The hormone imbalances associated with PCOS can result in the following:

  • Severe acne
  • Thinning hair on the scalp
  • Excess body hair
  • Excess facial hair

How Can Gastric Sleeve Surgery Address PCOS?

Gastric Sleeve surgery and other types of bariatric surgeries can help address problems with weight that might have been caused or be simply related to PCOS. Moreover, by reducing your weight and moving towards a healthier body mass index (BMI), you may experience fewer symptoms related to PCOS. This can include a significant drop in weight and reduced blood pressure and risk of heart disease.

Basically, Gastric Sleeve and other bariatric surgeries for weight loss help by promoting total wellness. In turn, this addresses many symptoms that may be associated with a myriad of health problems and systemic conditions.

Will My PCOS Affect The Gastric Sleeve Surgery Results?

It’s not likely that your PCOS will affect your Gastric Sleeve surgical recovery. During the consultation process with Dr. Rosen and Nutritionist Megan Wolf at Weight Zen, we will look at all risks, including but not limited to any heightened possibility of serious side effects or complications resulting from various wellness issues.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery & Other Bariatric Surgeries Promote Total Wellness

Are you experiencing any type of systemic condition that may be due to obesity or related to obesity? If so, the Gastric Sleeve surgery may be the answer you’ve been searching for. Patients who undergo Gastric Sleeve surgery at Weight Zen in New York routinely report seeing excellent results and feeling better overall in the years following the surgery.

Learn More About Bariatric Surgery & If It’s Right For You

If you’re interested in improving your health and overall quality of life and want to know more about how Gastric Sleeve or another type of bariatric surgery can help you lose weight, make sure to contact Weight Zen. Dr. Rosen, Nutritionist Megan Wolf and the entire team at Weight Zen are looking forward to connecting with you and discussing all of your options with you. It’s time to take control of your life. Start today.

There’s a huge misconception that people still need to take their insulin and other obesity medications after they’ve undergone bariatric surgery in New York. However, there’s actually a good chance that you’ll be able to ditch those pill bottles (after speaking with your doctor, of course) because along with reducing weight, bariatric surgery can actually help change your body’s chemistry. In fact, after gastric bypass surgery, 80 percent of patients with diabetes go into remission, and that means no more medication.

Many Diabetics Can Stop Taking Medication After Bariatric Surgery

One of the biggest benefits of bariatric surgery isn’t just weight loss; Type 2 diabetes is also significantly improved in most people. How does this happen? What changes in your body?

Bariatric Surgery Causes Your Hormones To Go Up And Down After Surgery

During two of the most common forms of bariatric surgery in New York, either part of the stomach is removed or the digestive tract is rearranged. This alters the amount of hormones released by your gut.


GLP-1 is a hormone produced in your intestines and normally spikes right after you’ve had a meal. What is it’s purpose? To help insulin move glucose out of your bloodstream and into your cells. However, in those who are obese, GLP-1 doesn’t spike like it is supposed to after you eat. After bariatric surgery, your GLP-1 levels go up dramatically following a meal, meaning more help for insulin and glucose regulation. A lot of people are able to come off their diabetes medication right after surgery, even before weight loss occurs. In fact, the American Diabetes Association recommends bariatric surgery as a top choice treatment for people who have a BMI higher than 35.

Do you suffer from obesity? Do you need help gaining control of your weight again? Call Weight Zen today and see how we can help you get a new lease on life: 212.203.2146.

In our last several blogs, we’ve been tackling some pretty big misconceptions surrounding bariatric surgery in New York. Unfortunately, these misconceptions prevent many from getting the weight loss help they need because they take them for truth. Today, in our last series of articles about this topic, we’re shedding some light on a couple more important misconceptions that need to be banished.

Bariatric Surgery Misconceptions Versus Truth

Misconception: Bariatric surgery is risky, and recovery can take a long time.

Fact: For most people, the risks associated with bariatric surgery are very low, much like having your gallbladder removed. Honestly, it can be riskier for some patients to not have the surgery. You’re much more likely to die from stroke, heart disease, diabetes, and even some types of cancer if you stay morbidly obese. As for the recovery, it’s usually brief. You may spend the night or two in the hospital and can usually eat solid foods within two weeks after a liquid diet.

Misconception: You can’t get pregnant if you’ve had bariatric surgery.

Fact: While we suggest that patients wait at least a year before trying to conceive after they’ve had bariatric surgery, having the surgery will not affect your ability to get pregnant, carry your child, or give birth. Truth be told, losing weight is an important step toward conceiving, since obesity can contribute to infertility in both men and women.  Losing weight often has a direct impact of fertility.

The bottom line here is that bariatric surgery changes more than your body, it reduces your risks of serious diseases and betters your quality of living. Bariatric surgery can give you a new lease on life. Contact us today to see how we can help you.

In our last couple blogs, we’ve been tackling some common misconceptions surrounding bariatric surgery in New York as we separate fact from fiction once and for all. Obesity is a real disease and a growing epidemic in our country. As we debunk some of these widely-believed misconceptions, we hope that we shed light on a possible treatment option for one of our readers and that they will reach out to us for a consultation.

More Misconceptions About Bariatric Surgery Debunked

Misconception: You are going to need plastic surgery after bariatric surgery.

Fact: The truth of the matter is that 99.9 percent of weight loss surgery is performed through laparoscopy, meaning that you will have no big scars requiring plastic surgery. Moreover, not everyone who has bariatric surgery ends up with large amounts of excess skin. In fact, less than half of the patients who undergo bariatric surgery need skin removal surgery.

Misconception: You can be too large or heavy for bariatric surgery.

Fact: Patients who have higher BMIs normally also have comorbidities, two or more diseases at the same time, and these can make the bariatric surgery riskier. The most significant risks are lung disease and cardiovascular disease. However, surgery is still possible, and you should speak to your bariatric surgeon at Weight Zen to see what your options are.

Bariatric surgery is surrounded by a lot of misconceptions, but we’re working diligently to chip away at these myths so that more people can get the help they deserve. Call us today!

In our last blog, we began tackling some of the biggest misconceptions concerning bariatric surgery in New York. Unfortunately, these misconceptions stop people from pursuing viable obesity treatment options and surgeries, such as gastric bypass, the Orbera gastric balloon, and many more.

More Common Misconceptions Surrounding Bariatric Surgery

We’re back today to separate fact from fiction with some more bariatric surgery misconceptions.

Misconception: Bariatric surgery is a waste because you’ll just gain all the weight back.

Fact: Actually, there have been numerous research studies to prove that not only do bariatric surgery patients lose more weight than those who simply diet and exercise, but they tend to keep it off, too.

Misconception: Bariatric surgery won’t be covered by your insurance because it’s considered cosmetic.

Fact: While extreme weight loss will absolutely transform your appearance for the better, the most crucial and important benefits are not cosmetic. You will look better, but our goal is to help you live longer, feel better, and lead a more healthy, active lifestyle. In fact, most insurance companies follow the guidelines set by the National Institute of Health (NIH) for bariatric surgery to determine coverage. When you have other health conditions aggravated by obesity, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, your chances of having your bariatric surgery covered by insurance increase.

Here at Weight Zen, we look at bariatric surgery as a tool, not a magic bullet; it’s a part of your weight loss journey. Contact us today to schedule a consultation, and let us help you get your life back.

Obesity is a rising epidemic in American society. It is a serious disease, defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or above, and is linked to health issues such as cardiovascular problems, diabetes, and premature death.

Bariatric surgery is one way to combat obesity. Unfortunately, myths and misconceptions about effective bariatric surgeries in New York such as Lap-Band, gastric bypass, and sleeve gastrectomy prevent many people from pursuing these options. Today, we’re here to clear up some of these misconceptions surrounding bariatric surgery.

Common Misconceptions About Bariatric Surgery

Misconception: All bariatric surgeries are the same.

Fact: Just like there are no two people exactly alike, every operation we perform at Weight Zen is different and tailored to the specific needs of the patient. 

Misconception: Surgery is taking the easy way out. You only need willpower and a good diet and exercise regimen.

Fact: Most patients who come to see our bariatric surgeon in New York have already tried diets, exercise, medications, and just about everything else they could think of for years without any success. Diet and exercise can work for someone who is 20 to 30 pounds overweight, but once you reach the threshold of being 50 or 60 or more pounds overweight, failure rates for weight control through diet and exercise reach nearly 90 percent. Why? Losing 50 pounds and keeping it off requires an intense commitment to diet and exercise that very few people are able to maintain. Bariatric surgery makes extreme weight loss more realistic and achievable by stopping food cravings in their tracks.

Are you struggling to control your weight? Are you tired of fad diets that don’t work? Contact Weight Zen today and set up a consultation to see how we can help you.

In The News

What’s the impact of race on Bariatric Surgery?

A racy issue

A new study has found that non-Hispanic white patients who underwent gastric bypass typically lost more weight over a three-year period than Hispanic or black patients. Throughout the three-year study period, findings following gastric bypass surgery showed that non-Hispanic white patients lost an average of 63 percent of their excess weight, Hispanic counterparts lost around 59 percent and black patients lost a bit less at around 56 percent (which still reflects a lot of hard work and amazing results!).

While there is little research that explores the impact of bariatric surgery on people of different races and ethnicities, especially in the long term, evidence like this encourages health care professionals to develop culturally sensitive post-op programs to improve success and minimize weight gain.

Click here for more information on Weight Zen post-op support groups.

The weight stigma: it stays and it scars

The obesity stigma continues to grow.

The obesity stigma continues to grow.

A new study by Western New England University is the first of its kind to use a daily diary assessment of weight stigmatization among 50 overweight and obese women. 1077 stigmatizing events were reported over a week period for a daily average of 3.08 events per individual. Participants most frequently experienced “physical barriers” (84 percent), “nasty comments from others” (74 percent), “being stared at” (72 percent) and “others making negative assumptions” (72 percent).

At Weight Zen our goal is to help you overcome this stigma. That’s why we don’t believe obesity is anyone’s “fault” and that it’s a failure if you don’t simply “try harder”. Find out more about our free Bariatric Surgery seminars for more information and let us know what you think about the obesity stigma on our Facebook page.

Weight management VS Bariatric Surgery: Not an “either/or” solution

Both of these paths require intense and strict lifestyle changes. Both of these paths improve obese diabetic patients’ physical and mental health. But Bariatric Surgery leads to a greater reduction in adverse effects of obesity on quality of life when compared to dieting and exercising alone. That said, significant lifestyle changes need to me upheld for all post-operative Bariatric Surgery patients.

In a meeting at the International Society of Endocrinology and the Endocrine Society, researchers presented results showing that up to two years after treatment, patients who underwent gastric bypass surgery had nearly twice the improvement (reduction) in the adverse effects of weight on their quality of life, which correlated with the greater amount of weight they lost. Two years after treatment, the surgical patients lost an average of 64.4 pounds versus 11 pounds in the weight management group (which consisted of exercise, diet with meal replacements, 12 initial weekly group sessions and nine additional months of individual counselling).

Is Melissa McCarthy setting the right example?

McCarthy on the cover of July's Rolling Stone.

McCarthy on the cover of July’s Rolling Stone.

She’s funny, fearless and can demand millions at the Box Office. For many, she’s an inspiration to live a confident and fulfilled life that goes against the grain. But do you agree with what the Rolling Stones July cover girl has said about her self-destructive habits? “I could eat healthier, I could drink less,” she says. “I should be learning another language and working out more, but I’m just always saying, ‘Ah, I could get hit by a bus tomorrow.’”

Do you agree? Many of you have come to us with concerns about your health and how it affects your time with your children, grandchildren and what it means for your future. Tell us what you think on our Facebook page.

Picture perfect for Presidency?

For better or worse, the jury's still out on Christie's weight.

For better or worse, the jury’s still out on Christie’s weight.

While mum’s the word on Chris Christie’s actual weight loss, media speculation has been strong since his admission of having Lap Band Surgery last year.

Experts from Yale University’s School of Medicine, estimated that, based on the photos, in 2011 Christie weighed about 322 pounds, giving him a BMI of 45 and therefore making him morbidly obese. In the photos taken in 2014, the doctors said Christie appears to be roughly 236 pounds, giving him a BMI of 33.

With Christie now climbing in the polls and catching up to Hillary Clinton, do you think this is a case of public double standards on weight or is Christie a prime example of shaking off the weight stigma? Tell us what you think on Facebook.

In The News