In The News
A racy issue
A new study has found that non-Hispanic white patients who underwent gastric bypass typically lost more weight over a three-year period than Hispanic or black patients. Throughout the three-year study period, findings following gastric bypass surgery showed that non-Hispanic white patients lost an average of 63 percent of their excess weight, Hispanic counterparts lost around 59 percent and black patients lost a bit less at around 56 percent (which still reflects a lot of hard work and amazing results!).
While there is little research that explores the impact of bariatric surgery on people of different races and ethnicities, especially in the long term, evidence like this encourages health care professionals to develop culturally sensitive post-op programs to improve success and minimize weight gain.
Click here for more information on Weight Zen post-op support groups.
The weight stigma: it stays and it scars
A new study by Western New England University is the first of its kind to use a daily diary assessment of weight stigmatization among 50 overweight and obese women. 1077 stigmatizing events were reported over a week period for a daily average of 3.08 events per individual. Participants most frequently experienced “physical barriers” (84 percent), “nasty comments from others” (74 percent), “being stared at” (72 percent) and “others making negative assumptions” (72 percent).
At Weight Zen our goal is to help you overcome this stigma. That’s why we don’t believe obesity is anyone’s “fault” and that it’s a failure if you don’t simply “try harder”. Find out more about our free Bariatric Surgery seminars for more information and let us know what you think about the obesity stigma on our Facebook page.
Weight management VS Bariatric Surgery: Not an “either/or” solution
Both of these paths require intense and strict lifestyle changes. Both of these paths improve obese diabetic patients’ physical and mental health. But Bariatric Surgery leads to a greater reduction in adverse effects of obesity on quality of life when compared to dieting and exercising alone. That said, significant lifestyle changes need to me upheld for all post-operative Bariatric Surgery patients.
In a meeting at the International Society of Endocrinology and the Endocrine Society, researchers presented results showing that up to two years after treatment, patients who underwent gastric bypass surgery had nearly twice the improvement (reduction) in the adverse effects of weight on their quality of life, which correlated with the greater amount of weight they lost. Two years after treatment, the surgical patients lost an average of 64.4 pounds versus 11 pounds in the weight management group (which consisted of exercise, diet with meal replacements, 12 initial weekly group sessions and nine additional months of individual counselling).
Is Melissa McCarthy setting the right example?
She’s funny, fearless and can demand millions at the Box Office. For many, she’s an inspiration to live a confident and fulfilled life that goes against the grain. But do you agree with what the Rolling Stones July cover girl has said about her self-destructive habits? “I could eat healthier, I could drink less,” she says. “I should be learning another language and working out more, but I’m just always saying, ‘Ah, I could get hit by a bus tomorrow.’”
Do you agree? Many of you have come to us with concerns about your health and how it affects your time with your children, grandchildren and what it means for your future. Tell us what you think on our Facebook page.
Picture perfect for Presidency?
While mum’s the word on Chris Christie’s actual weight loss, media speculation has been strong since his admission of having Lap Band Surgery last year.
Experts from Yale University’s School of Medicine, estimated that, based on the photos, in 2011 Christie weighed about 322 pounds, giving him a BMI of 45 and therefore making him morbidly obese. In the photos taken in 2014, the doctors said Christie appears to be roughly 236 pounds, giving him a BMI of 33.
With Christie now climbing in the polls and catching up to Hillary Clinton, do you think this is a case of public double standards on weight or is Christie a prime example of shaking off the weight stigma? Tell us what you think on Facebook.
In The News