Happy Halloween!

November Support Group

Real quick update but we have updated our events pages for our upcoming support group.

support group november 14th

We have two events one for after surgery and one for before. To RSVP or get more details please visit the event pages here:

Have a great day!

Carole Gladstone-Ramos

Carole Gladstone-Ramos – LCSW, CASAC

Carole has a psychotherapy practice in NYC. She is  a Licensed Clinical Social Worker that has 35 years of clinical expertise in working, teaching, and running groups –  specializing in the fields of Eating Disorders, Substance Abuse, Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, and Couples Therapy.

For those interested in attending this Friday will be our monthly Support Group meeting. Please see times below and contact our office if you have any questions.


Post-Operative: 6:00PM-7:00PM

postop support group

Pre-Operative: 7:15PM-8:15PM

preop support group

Meetings to be held regularly on the second Friday of the month.
The groups are lead by Carole Gladstone-Ramos, a social worker with over thirty years experience leading groups and dealing with issues around food and health.

The groups are held at our Manhattan Office (200 East 78th St. – Suite 1A ∣ New York, NY 10075).

Carole Gladstone-Ramos

Carole Gladstone-Ramos – LCSW, CASAC

Carole has a psychotherapy practice in NYC. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker that has 35 years of clinical expertise in working, teaching, and running groups – specializing in the fields of Eating Disorders, Substance Abuse, Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, and Couples Therapy.

my morning mistake

Morning mistake. You did it. Simple, clean, breakfast of an Egg whites omelet, coffee, and a side of whole wheat toast. But you got to work, and there was a morning meeting, with donuts. You ate a donut. Don’t let that donut, mishap mangle your day. Oftentimes dieters make a morning mishap and tank their healthy eating for the rest of the day. Instead regroup. Forgive yourself. Never berate for what you ate. Anger will not help you lose weight, in fact the self-loathing will probably put you on a track to eating more unhealthy food throughout the day.

Sometimes you eat a donut and when you do, you never get mad at yourself, instead you think how delicious that treat was and get right back on track. How? To burn off that donut do some some lifts while watching tv. Take the stairs at work.