dreamstime_xxl_39116267Here at Weight Zen, Dr. Rosen has helped hundreds of patients who suffer from obesity and weight control issues achieve a healthier life. We receive many calls from potential weight loss surgery candidates who are simply unsure about whether they are a candidate for bariatric surgery in New York. Today, we’re going to take a look at some of the basic standards of the ideal bariatric surgery candidate.

Are You A Candidate For Bariatric Surgery?

If you’re significantly overweight and you’re looking to make a lifestyle change, you may be the perfect candidate for bariatric surgery at Weight Zen. Research supports the advantages of bariatric surgery for people who have a BMI between 35 and 39.9 with obesity-related health issues, such as obstructive sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, and other obesity-related health conditions. You could be a candidate for bariatric surgery if you meet any of the following criteria:

  • You weigh more than 100 pounds of your ideal body weight.
  • You have a BMI of more than 40.
  • Your BMI is more than 35, and you experience severe negative health effects, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, due to being severely overweight.
  • You’re unable to achieve your weight goals for any sustained period of time even though you’re on a medically-supervised diet.

Are you interested in how to proceed from here? Do you want to schedule a consultation with Megan Wolf, our New York nutritionist or Dr. Rosen, our New York bariatric surgeon? Contact us today to get started. We look forward to connecting with you and helping you achieve better health.

Exploring the Myths & Misconceptions of Gastric Bypass, Lap Band & Gastric Sleeve Surgery

weight loss surgery in New York City Though the number of bariatric surgeries performed in the United States grew in in recent years to almost 180,000 procedures a year, the number of qualifying patients that actually undergo these life-changing surgeries remains at less than one percent, according to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS). With weight loss surgeries proving themselves to be viable, delivering consistently improved long-term results, they remain vastly under-utilized. With a large portion of our population experiencing the symptoms of obesity, why are so few of us choosing to undergo this type of treatment for obesity? Why would so few patients avoid the prospect of surgery when it means a healthier future? The misconceptions that continue to plague the procedures could reveal that answer.

Unfortunately, many of those who could benefit from gastric bypass surgery or another form of bariatric surgery never get past the first stage because of these myths. In an effort to eradicate these misconceptions, we’d like to offer the real facts on weight loss surgery.

The most commonly-held myths about gastric surgery include:

MYTH: Bariatric surgery is just another quick fix with short-lasting results

– FACT: Weight loss surgery should never be entered lightly as it is not a cosmetic procedure that promises out-of-the-world results. It is a serious medical procedure that, when treated properly with aftercare and a change in lifestyle, can deliver life-changing (and life-long) results that benefit the patient by providing relief from a variety of symptoms linked to obesity.

MYTH: Weight loss surgeries are extremely dangerous

– FACT: No invasive surgery or medical procedure is without its risks. Complications can arise with gastric bypass, gastric sleeve or Lap-Band surgery, but they don’t occur at any higher rates than other types of surgeries. With the technological innovations made within the last few years, the occurrence of these complications have dropped significantly and healing time, recovery and pain levels have all been minimized.  Additionally, Dr. Rosen is an expert in minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery.  This means we use very small incisions: smaller cuts, faster healing.

MYTH: Those who undergo these surgeries become malnourished afterward

 – FACT: Patients who follow Dr. Rosen’s and Megan’s advice regarding nutrition and meal planning experience little to no issues with nutritional values. Where there is a decrease in the natural absorption of vitamins and minerals, today’s nutritional guidance helps patients lead healthy, balanced and robust lives.

MYTH: Insurance won’t pay for weight loss surgery

 – FACT: Though the amount of coverage does change between providers and states, many plans do cover weight loss surgeries now. Before scheduling surgery it is important to know exactly what is covered and what is not. Some insurance providers only pay for surgery for those who meet certain health risk requirements. Others will cover bariatric surgery for those who are medically considered obese. Insurance verification is an important step in your care and we are here to help you.

Before you undergo any serious procedure, educate yourself by doing research and asking your doctor and nutritionist any questions you have. Protect yourself by finding out all the information you can, and hopefully using only reliable and trustworthy sources. As a highly respected bariatric clinic in New York City, we strive to ensure our patient’s complete confidence by fully educating them throughout the process, working to remain as transparent and patient-focused as possible. If you believe you may be a candidate for bariatric surgery, call us now for a confidential and comprehensive consultation. We’d be happy to help you start your own personal path to optimal health and wellness.

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  • Are you unhappy with the way you look?
  • Do you avoid looking in mirrors and shopping because of how distraught you are about your appearance?
  • Are you obese and suffering from diabetes or other conditions from being overweight?
  • Do you want to change but aren’t sure where to start?

We understand if you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions. Being uncomfortable in your own skin can be disheartening. Have you often thought about dreamstime_xxl_12562577changing the way you look and feel? Try Weight Zen, we are a New York based clinic that aims for happiness inside and out. At Weight Zen, we have a few different weight loss procedures; see our previous posts about gastric sleeve surgery and lap band surgery to help educate yourself about our other surgeries. Here we are going to explore a new weight loss procedure called the gastric balloon, or the Orbera balloon; see below for more information.

What Is The Gastric Balloon?

Gastric balloon or endoscopic intragastric balloon, is a new and temporary weight loss procedure. Unlike the gastric sleeve, it is temporary and removable. It helps you get on track and guides you to retrain your brain with proper portion control.  A silicon balloon is placed in the stomach to regulate your food intake. This balloon makes you feel fuller sooner, so you don’t eat as much.

How the Gastric Balloon Works

This gastric balloon is a weight loss balloon and helps you achieve your health want. The Orbera balloon is designed to help you get into healthy habits and especially to maintain them. How does it work? It’s non-surgical weight loss, which means that there are no incisions, stitches, or scars, and it’s reversible. This weight loss balloon is inserted deflated and then fills to the size of a grapefruit in order to take up space in your stomach and reduce your food intake. All together, the procedure takes less than an hour and helps change your life forever.

You will work with our nutritionist, Megan Wolf, for one full year.  She will help guide you to better understand proper portion control and balanced eating.  These visits are included in the cost of your procedure.

weightzen3If this sounds like a procedure you want to learn more about, then call us at [uxi_button link=”2122032146″ new_window=”0″ tel=”1″ class=”button-33″ padding_x=”” padding_y=”” text=”212-203-2146″ text_size=”14″ text_size_mobile=”” text_font=”header-font” sub_text=”” sub_text_size=”12″ sub_text_size_mobile=”” sub_text_font=”header-font” icon=”” icon_size=”12″ icon_size_mobile=”” icon_align=””] for more information on changing your life and the gastric balloon. Also, check out our patient stories to see what others think.

Weight Zen’s Beneficial Weight Loss Surgery Methods

Once labeled as a quick and extreme fix to obesity, bariatric surgeries are now accepted and viable methods for weight loss. The variety of surgery options that are now available prove the credibility of the procedures. With each type of procedure delivering a variety of health benefits, bariatric surgeries help hundreds of thousands of Americans every year.

The Most Common Bariatric Surgeries include:

Gastric Bypass

Though gaining popularity during the last two decades, the procedure was actually developed and introduced during the 1960’s. After observing unintended weight loss in patients who had a portion of their stomach removed due to ulcers, surgeons based gastric bypass on this phenomena. It is the most commonly performed weight loss surgery in the world.

Currently the procedure uses the Roux-en-Y limb of intestine. The process involves two components. First the top of the stomach is divided from the rest and a pouch is made from that portion that is approximately on ounce in size. The small intestine is then bisected, with the bottom end brought up and connected to the stomach pouch. The disconnected top portion of the small intestine is then connected to a section of the same organ further down the intestine line. This allows the needed acids and enzymes to mix with ingested food for proper digestion.

Gastric bypass surgery offers significant long-term weight loss by restricting the amount that one can consume and through gut hormone changes that reduce appetite. Results often show a loss of 60 to 80 percent of excess weight.

Sleeve Gastrectomy

Removing 80 percent of the stomach, sleeve gastrectomy surgery leaves a stomach pouch that is shaped much like a sleeve or banana. Like gastric bypass, the sleeve helps restrict food volumes but this weight loss surgery’s optimal results stem from the effect it has on gut hormones. Patients enjoy quick, significant weight loss without having to bypass of the food stream or the placement of foreign objects.

Adjustable Gastric Band

Using an inflatable band, the stomach capacity is reduced significantly with Lap-Band or gastric banding surgery. The procedure causes no malabsorption as the food is digested and absorbed as it normally would be. One major advantage that Lap-Band surgery has over other procedures is that no cutting of the stomach or rerouting of the intestines is required. Some patients are able to return home the same day as the procedure and, with the band being adjustable and removable, patients are able to adjust or even reverse the surgery if needed.

Weight Zen is the comprehensive weight management program run by Dr. Daniel J. Rosen. Offering educational courses, nutrition counseling, wellness workshops and weight loss surgery in order to help others achieve a healthier way of life through whole body wellness. Find out more about why we’re a Top Rated Local® bariatric surgeon in New York by reading what our patients have to say about us.

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Finding the right meal plan can be difficult, especially when you have just undergone weight loss surgery. An easy meal plan to follow after weight loss surgery is the Paleo diet. Let’s discuss what this entails and why it can make life a little bit easier for our patients.

Paleo…What exactly is it?Weight Zen - grocery shopping

If you have heard about the Paleo diet, you may have heard it referred to by several different names, such as the caveman diet, primal diet, or possibly the stone-age diet. Eat like our hunter-gatherer ancestors. Essentially, what it is, is grass-fed meat, fruit, healthy fats (think avocado, nuts, and seeds), and vegetables. The general idea is to distance yourself from processed foods. You might be asking yourself, “We aren’t cavemen, so why should we eat like them?” Great question! “By following these nutritional guidelines, we put our diet more in line with the evolutionary pressures that shaped our current genetics, which in turn positively influences health and well being,” says Loren Cordain, PhD, professor of health and exercise science at Colorado State University. When it comes to living your new life post surgery, nutrient consumption is key. When consuming strictly meats, veggies, fruits, and healthy fats, you eliminate many of the empty calories typically dictating the American diet. Nutrients are key! Just a little tip for trying your new Paleo plan is to try to limit the starchy vegetables. For example, a great alternative to those heavy mashed potatoes is cauliflower mashed potatoes, not to mention these will allow you to enjoy some of your old favorites while still following the weight loss program set up by Dr. Rosen and Nutritionist Megan Wolf.

Sounds easy…But how much of my time and money will it take?

Two of the most common concerns with the Paleo diet are costs and time. You may be thinking, “That’s a lot of meat, and guess what? Meat is EXPENSIVE.” Here are a few general tips for shopping for the Paleo plan:

  • Shop for ingredients, not just an easy product. You will eat through that product soon, but those ingredients will allow you to make the same dish, sauce, etc. multiple times.
  • Try the slow cooker. You can buy a slightly cheaper, tougher piece of meat and turn it into a tender masterpiece. Not to mention, the slow cooker will become your best friend for weekly meal prep.
  • Try going meatless. No, you will not offend the Paleo guides. This is a perfect time to break out those eggs and get creative. Veggie omelets, anyone? What about turning that sweet potato into a stuffed dream?eggs
  • We encourage stocking up on some frozen veggies for a quick dinner or snack.
  • Embrace the seasons! Typically, the produce in season will be cheaper and more nutritious.
  • Buy in bulk. Initially, there may be a slightly higher investment, but long term you will save money because things like a huge jar of coconut oil or almond butter (two best friends you will make on this new adventure) will last close to a year. Go ahead, and grab the big cart to check out the nearest bulk store.
  • Here is a BIG one: organic, grass-fed, free-range, and local only when you can.  If you can swing it, great! If not, well, it does not change the diet.
  • Meal prep for the week! You can decide based on your schedule whether this means breakfast, lunch, dinner or all three! Not only will you save money by not dining out, but you can get creative and know you are living out your new weight loss program every day without the stress of having to cook every meal when you might need time to relax instead.

dreamstime_xxl_15116074Food is one of the best parts of life. There are so many options no matter what you like. After your surgery, your bariatric surgeon and nutritionist probably told you what you could and could not eat. You likely went over a plan for food, but what about when you are finally back to eating a “normal” diet? Below are a few diets you may not have heard of, but may be just the diet you need in your life. Even if you haven’t gone through bariatric surgery, consider these three diets.

The DASH Diet

The DASH diet was originally designed to help lower blood pressure. If you are overweight and suffering from high blood, you may consider trying the DASH diet for weight control. This plant based diet has a heavy emphasis on fruits, vegetables, and is balanced with the appropriate amount of protein. . If you have high blood pressure, consider taking advantage of this diet. The DASH diet is one you can follow for the rest of your life.

The TLC Diet

Does cardiovascular disease run in your family? Do you have heart problems? This diet was created by the American Heart Association to help decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This diet is based on reducing saturated fat in your diet. Saturated fat, is found in whole-milk dairy, butter, cheeses and fried foods. When you eat too much saturated fat, your cholesterol increases too, which can lead to cardiovascular issues.  The TLC diet helps to limit your saturated fat intake which can help to control cholesterol.

dreamstime_xxl_38437127The MIND Diet

If you’re worried about developing Alzheimer’s, want to prevent Alzheimer’s from happening to you and your family, or simply to enhance your brain function with certain healthy foods, this diet may be for you! The MIND diet may lower your risk for cognitive decline.  This diet focuses on the ten brain healthy food groups: leafy vegetables, vegetables, nuts, berries, beans, whole grains, fish, poultry, olive oil, and wine. If you want to work on strengthening your mind and your heart, this diet might just be perfect for you.

At Weight Zen, located in New York, we want you to have the body and mind you’ve always imagined. If you are looking for weight loss surgery, weight loss or  general health and wellness, Weight Zen can help you. Contact us today to begin changing your life.

dreamstime_xxl_60747427You may or may not have heard about the Mediterranean Diet. This diet has recently become more and more popular. After you’ve had your bariatric surgery at Weight Zen, located in the heart of New York City, you probably talked to your bariatric surgeon and nutritionist about what foods you can consume and what you can’t. As you acclimate back to eating a normal diet, or if you want to try dieting before you turn to weight loss surgery, you may consider this diet.

What is the Mediterranean Diet?

This diet is seen as one of the healthiest diets because of what it focuses on. The Mediterranean diet is the diet that is consumed in the Mediterranean in countries such as Greece, Turkey, Albania, Croatia, Israel, Syria, Tunisia, Slovenia, Monaco, Morocco, Libya, and other countries are located.

What Foods Are Involved in the Mediterranean Diet?

The foods that are involved in this diet are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, and legumes. For protein, lean protein is chosen such as fish and poultry versus the red meat that the American diet is heavily focused on. Red meat also has saturated fat, which is what leads to heart problems. Red wine is included in moderate amounts. When you shop for this diet – and other healthy diets like it –  make sure to stay on the perimeter of the grocery store. You may have noticed when you go to the grocery store, most of the healthiest foods are on the edge of the store versus the inside. If you find yourself with lots of junk food in your cart, try to stay away from the aisles and only shop on the edge of the store where the vegetables, poultry, and fruits are offered.

dreamstime_l_14561359Why Should I Consider This?

Research shows the benefits of eating a Mediterranean diet. Weight loss, decrease in depression, and control of blood glucose levels, are all positive outcomes when following a Mediterranean diet. In addition, there have cases of reduction in heart and Alzheimer’s disease.

If you need to control your weight or have just went through bariatric surgery, then you may want to consider this diet. If you are in need of weight loss surgery or want more information, reach out today to schedule a consultation.