Tag Archive for: lap band surgeon

Struggling with weight loss is a challenge that can seem to be never ending. Even after your lap band surgery, there are diet restrictions and lifestyle changes that can’t be overlooked. If you want to have a successful laparoscopic surgery, follow these dietary guidelines. First, find out what lap band surgery is and contact Weigt Zen to see if a lap band surgery is right for you.

lap band surgeryHow it Works?

Lap band surgery, also known as gastric banding, is done laparoscopically, which means that a tiny camera is used to see inside as the lap band surgeon performs the procedure. An adjustable belt is put in place around the top of the stomach, restricting the amount of food that can be ingested. When food is consumed, it moves more slowly through the intestine and the feeling of being full is reached faster through signals that are sent to the brain. Those who have struggled with weight loss in the past and have not met success are candidates for lap band surgery.

After Lap Band Surgery Diet

Having weight loss surgery does not guarantee weight loss, but with the correct changes in diet, you can experience the long-awaited loss of pounds. Follow these guidelines for a healthy diet after your lap band surgery.

Eating Guidelines:

  • Eating three meals each day with limited snacking will ensure that weight loss occurs.
  • Take your time when you eat. Eating a meal by slowly and thoroughly chewing your food should take around 20 minutes. After each bite, put your utensil down to give you time to chew. The food should be a paste before swallowing. Also, cut food into small chunks.
  • Because of the lap band surgery, it takes less food to give you that full feeling, so serve up smaller amounts of food.
  • Right after surgery, be sure to eat protein-rich food that will aid in repairing and rebuilding muscle tissue and organs. Oftentimes, protein deficiency can occur after lap band surgery, so make sure to eat lean meats, beans, and low-fat dairy. Supplements or protein shakes will help to give you much-needed protein.
  • By avoiding foods that are high in sugar and fat, the weight loss surgery has a higher chance of being successful. Try to avoid foods that don’t give you any vitamins or nutrients.

Drinking Guidelines:

  • It is recommended you do not drink half an hour before and after a meal. This will help to prevent the stomach from overfilling, keep food from moving through the stomach too quickly, and will keep you full for a longer period of time.
  • Drink fluids slowly, by sipping them. Taking longer drinks. Gulping down a drink can cause nausea or vomiting.
  • Plain water is ideal just after surgery. Avoid drinks that are high in sugar like sodas or sweet teas and alcohol. Try to avoid caffeine as well, this could stimulate appetite and irritate your stomach.

Liquid Diet

A liquid diet is suggested for around a week after lap band surgery. A liquid diet can consist of protein shakes, creamy soups, and clear liquids. During this time, eat many small meals throughout the day. When choosing a protein shake, purchase ones that have around 20 grams of protein per serving, are less than 200 calories and less than 10 grams of sugar per serving. Other foods that you can consume are low-fat milk, sugar-free Jell-o, and low-fat yogurt.

Pureed Diet

During this stage, you can add pureed foods. All food should be a soft consistency. Start out with foods that are high in protein, then vegetables, and finally fruit. Continue having small, frequent meals throughout the day, being sure not to drink half an hour before or after the meal. Foods to eat at this stage are pureed chicken, canned tuna, salmon, or chicken, cottage cheese, eggs, plain oatmeal, refried beans, and pureed fruits and vegetables. Stick with this pureed diet for about two weeks, or 4 weeks after your surgery.

weight loss surgerySoft to Solid Diet

Five weeks after lap band surgery, you can begin to eat soft solid foods. Foods no longer need to be pureed but should have a soft consistency. Remember to eat slowly, chewing the food until it is a paste. Also, keep in mind to begin with foods that are high in protein. For breakfast have a scrambled, or poached egg, and a cup of canned fruit. Lunch could be chicken salad and a cup of cooked squash or zucchini. For dinner, cook a small piece of salmon with green beans. Snacks can include a piece of string cheese and protein shakes.

Weight Zen wants to give you the body that you have always dreamed of and have worked so hard to achieve. With the help of weight loss surgery and these dietary guidelines, you can be on your way to a new life. Contact Weight Zen using the form below, for more information:

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lap-bad-bg-imgYou want to change; that’s what has brought you to us.  Whatever the case may be, you aren’t happy, and you want to get back to that happy version of yourself who looks great, feels great, and is on top of the world. Lucky for you, Weight Zen, a weight loss surgery clinic in New York, wants to help you find peace and happiness inside and out. We specialize in weight loss surgery, one of them being lap band surgery. We want to ensure your happiness and allow you to unleash your true self, so you’re able to reclaim your life. Read about lap band surgery to see if it’s right for you.

What is Lap Band Surgery?

Lap band surgery is a surgery to make your stomach smaller to help you lose weight. Having a gastric band around your stomach helps to limit the amount of food the stomach can hold, which makes you eat less and feel full quicker. The lap band is a silicone adjustable band that is put on the upper part of the stomach during a laparoscopic surgery. This surgery is designed to restrict food intake and to help you get the body you want.weightzen1

Is Lap Band Surgery Right For You?

The most important thing to consider when you want to get weight loss surgery is whether it’s right for you. Are you ready for a lap band surgery? Is there no other way to get the body you want? What you need to consider about this surgery is that the procedure is reversible, and the gastric band can be removed. Most health insurance programs will cover the procedure, but if not Weight Zen has financing options to help you. If you are obese and unhappy, then we recommend a lap band surgery. Talk to our lap band surgeon, Dr. Daniel J. Rosen, and our Nutritionist Megan Wolf to make sure this surgery is right for you.

Contact us to get the body you want.

No matter how long you prepared for lap band surgery, the weeks and months that follow can be a time of adjustment.

For most of the weight loss LapBand patients we serve here at Weight Zen in New York City, the diet that will be part of follow-up strategy and can be new and different. Diets can make or break the results that you see after LapBand surgery.


Here at Weight Zen, we don’t want you to be afraid. Rather, be excited about all of the healthy foods that can actually help to cement your weight loss! Dark green vegetables are leaders at the head of the pack of healthy foods and here’s why:

Dark Green Vegetables Are Often Superfoods

While superfoods aren’t “magic” they do tend to contain a higher-than-usual concentration of nutrients, fiber, and yes, sometimes even protein.  This means that they fit into your post LapBand surgery eating plan quite perfectly!

Which Dark Green Vegetables Are Best After Lap-Band Surgery?

  • Red Leaf Lettuce
  • Mesclun
  • Spinach
  • Swiss Chard
  • Kale – all kinds!
  • Bok Choy
  • Collard Greens
  • Mustard Greens
  • Beet Greens
  • Broccoli

The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends that adults consume at least three cups of dark green vegetables each week for optimal weight loss results.  If you’re looking for delicious recipes to try, check out our nutritionist Megan Wolf’s new cookbook Great Meals with Greens and Grains!

Contact Weight Zen in New York City today to learn more about how great life after lap band surgery can be.

More and more Americans are turning to bariatric surgery to help them achieve their weight loss goals and fight their obesity battles. There are several great benefits to doing this, as obesity can lead to heart disease, diabetes, stroke, certain types of cancers, sleep apnea, and many other serious health issues. Two of the most popular weight loss surgeries here in New York are the Lap-Band surgery and the Gastric Sleeve surgery. Today, we’d like to compare these surgeries for patients who may be considering them.

How Surgical Weight Loss Methods Work

With regard to bariatric surgeries, there are three different approaches:

  • Restrictive Surgery: This type of surgery is implemented by altering the size of your stomach and affecting your Ghrelin hormone, which is responsible for those feelings of hunger, so that you feel full sooner when eating.
  • Malabsorptive Surgery: This type of surgery is implemented by altering your digestive tract so fewer calories and nutrients are absorbed by your intestines when you eat and drink.
  • Combination Restrictive/Malabsorptive: These types of surgeries involve a combination of the methods mentioned above.

Both the Gastric Sleeve and Lap-Band surgeries are restrictive in nature. Firstly, we’ll look at the Lap-Band surgery.


The Lap-Band Surgery

The Lap-Band surgery is a laparoscopic surgery, meaning that your bariatric surgeon makes a few small incisions so that he or she can use internal cameras and specialized surgical tools to perform your surgery without the need for open surgery and large scars. Your bariatric surgeon will carefully place the band around the upper portion of your stomach. After your surgery, you’ll likely need adjustments to your band to address your changing needs.


The Gastric Sleeve Surgery

The Gastric Sleeve surgery is also laparoscopic and involves your bariatric surgeon revising the size of your stomach. He or she will cut away a portion of your stomach and remove it, leaving a stomach pouch similarly shaped like a banana. The extent of how much of your stomach your bariatric surgeon will need to remove will be discussed during your preoperative consultations. As with the Lap-Band surgery, patients will consume less food and experience fewer feelings of hunger.

How Do These Two Surgeries Compare?

For many patients, the Gastric Sleeve has a number of advantages when compared to the Lap-Band surgery. For example, the Lap-Band surgery can require several surgeries after the first one to ensure proper adjustments and fit, with each band coming at an additional cost on top of the initial bariatric surgery cost.

There are also chances of complications with the Lap-Band surgery one should consider. For example, the Lap-Band may shift or slip, and it can even cut into your stomach tissue. By comparison, the Gastric Sleeve surgery does come with high chances of these complications and has a higher success rate compared to the Lap-Band surgery.

Consider All The Options With Your Bariatric Surgeon In NY

While there are some advantages to certain bariatric surgeries over others, it’s imperative that you don’t just read our blog and form an opinion. Schedule a consultation with our bariatric surgeon, Dr. Rosen, and allow us to walk through all options with you. We’ll help you make the right decision that best fits your needs.