Bariatric Surgery Options Explained
Weight Zen’s Beneficial Weight Loss Surgery Methods
Once labeled as a quick and extreme fix to obesity, bariatric surgeries are now accepted and viable methods for weight loss. The variety of surgery options that are now available prove the credibility of the procedures. With each type of procedure delivering a variety of health benefits, bariatric surgeries help hundreds of thousands of Americans every year.
The Most Common Bariatric Surgeries include:
Gastric Bypass
Though gaining popularity during the last two decades, the procedure was actually developed and introduced during the 1960’s. After observing unintended weight loss in patients who had a portion of their stomach removed due to ulcers, surgeons based gastric bypass on this phenomena. It is the most commonly performed weight loss surgery in the world.
Currently the procedure uses the Roux-en-Y limb of intestine. The process involves two components. First the top of the stomach is divided from the rest and a pouch is made from that portion that is approximately on ounce in size. The small intestine is then bisected, with the bottom end brought up and connected to the stomach pouch. The disconnected top portion of the small intestine is then connected to a section of the same organ further down the intestine line. This allows the needed acids and enzymes to mix with ingested food for proper digestion.
Gastric bypass surgery offers significant long-term weight loss by restricting the amount that one can consume and through gut hormone changes that reduce appetite. Results often show a loss of 60 to 80 percent of excess weight.
Sleeve Gastrectomy
Removing 80 percent of the stomach, sleeve gastrectomy surgery leaves a stomach pouch that is shaped much like a sleeve or banana. Like gastric bypass, the sleeve helps restrict food volumes but this weight loss surgery’s optimal results stem from the effect it has on gut hormones. Patients enjoy quick, significant weight loss without having to bypass of the food stream or the placement of foreign objects.
Adjustable Gastric Band
Using an inflatable band, the stomach capacity is reduced significantly with Lap-Band or gastric banding surgery. The procedure causes no malabsorption as the food is digested and absorbed as it normally would be. One major advantage that Lap-Band surgery has over other procedures is that no cutting of the stomach or rerouting of the intestines is required. Some patients are able to return home the same day as the procedure and, with the band being adjustable and removable, patients are able to adjust or even reverse the surgery if needed.
Weight Zen is the comprehensive weight management program run by Dr. Daniel J. Rosen. Offering educational courses, nutrition counseling, wellness workshops and weight loss surgery in order to help others achieve a healthier way of life through whole body wellness. Find out more about why we’re a Top Rated Local® bariatric surgeon in New York by reading what our patients have to say about us.
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